Monday, June 24, 2013

Cucumber mint sandwiches....all vegan!


You may find cucumber sandwiches as an edible fare at daytime socials for genteel women; however, I eat them when I want something light even at night. I've discovered a recipe by the Paupered Chef that makes this sandwich with mint and I love mint.  So, I decided to veganize it by substituting the dairy butter and cream cheese with vegan alternatives, which seem to work VERY well.  The original non-vegan recipe is found:

It's summertime and it's hot.  I often want something cool.  Lately, I've been pretty busy and so I also wanted something easy to pull together.  Cucumber sandwiches are light and easy.  However they require cream cheese.  Vegan cream cheese must be made ahead of time. Lately, I've been experimenting with vegan cheeses from the book "Artisan Vegan Cheese" by Miyoko Schinner.  Perhaps if I ever followed a recipe to the "T," I would have had success, but I'm always substituting something not in the recipe and ended up with failure.  So far, I've failed on making the vegan cream cheese but I will make it again in the next few days sticking strictly to Miyoko's recipe.  I've learned my lesson and it was an expensive one.  So, what's a girl to do!?!....

Instead of using the homemade cream cheese for my cucumber sandwiches, I settled on the trusty processed non-GMO vegan cream cheese store version along with some diced mint and earth balance.  I also used an English cucumber and the sandwiches were light and wonderful.  The sandwiches came out wonderfully tasty, light, and so refreshing (mint makes everything refreshing!). I could truly eat this everyday.

Lonely cucumber mint sandwich (I'd eaten its buddy already)
made from showcased vegan ingredients (left) with a side of grapes. 
Now, cucumbers are a low calorie food, which serve as a mild diuretic.  It has an abundance of potassium as well as antioxidants that help rid the body of free radicals that damage our skin and health.  It is a great source of fiber and it helps rid the body of constipation.  Cucumbers are also well-known for their anti-aging properties.  In another blog, I've already cited the great benefits of mint.  Google both for more information as always!

If you like this sandwich as much as I do, holla!  I'd love to hear from you!  By the way, I'll update this post once I perfect the cashew cream cheese recipe in Miyoko's book.  Until then!...

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