Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Strawberry lemonade that's above grade!


Just the other day, my little niece handed me a red-colored drink, which seemed like paradise in a cup when I tasted it.  On that hot day, this cool strawberry lemonade hit the spot all over!  I was hooked.  I even admit that I've had it every day since.  I'm promising to stop making this drink once I run out of strawberries, which will be in the next day or so.  I feel as if I'm addicted.  I really hate that feeling.

However, it's good to have good things in moderation.  I will probably limit my intake of this drink to no more than twice a week.  This recipe is super easy to make and that could be why I'm so addicted.  If my buds are craving sweets, I turn to this drink and I'm satisfied.  It's that yummy!!! This has me wishing that I owned my own strawberry farm and lemon trees.

Strawberries and lemons are simply good for your health.  I know that I told you about them in other blog posts, but now I will probably recount how lemons and strawberries are so good for you.  Lemons contain vitamins (Vitamin A, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin C) and minerals (calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc).  They also provide a boost to the immune system, fighting sickness, due to their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.  Strawberries also contain vitamins and minerals and  boost the immune system with phytonutrients that help fight diseases, such as cancer and heart disease. They are also high in fiber and low calorie.   As always, google the amazing nutritional and health benefits of lemons and strawberries for yourself!

Now, let me give you the ingredients to this super-easy and tasty drink.  It's literally dessert in a glass!

Servings: 1


  • 1 organic lemon, juiced (or an organic lime may be an adequate substitute)
  • 6 organic strawberries, medium to large  (throw in seven if you want)
  • 1 tablespoon vegan organic cane sugar (or 2 teaspoons agave, light raw honey)
  • 1/4 cup ice (more if desired)


  1. Combine all ingredients in a high speed blender or Nutri-bullet.  
  2. Blend until smooth or desired consistency is obtained.  

Using less ice makes this strawberry lemonade a drink.

Note: The more ice, the more of a slushy you get (see below photo).  The less ice, the consistency is more liquid-y (see above photo).

Adding more ice makes a strawberry lemonade slushy! Yum!


Enjoy it!  I think I'll have me another one!  It is better than any strawberry lemonade I've had at a restaurant. I  have the ripe, juicy strawberries right now and that may be the key thing!  If you like this drink as much as I do, I'll love to hear from you!  Again, enjoy! Salud!

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